You know when something devastating happens to someone you know and you literally don't know what to say? You want to do or say the right thing so bad, but you can't. You're literally speechless.
That's how I feel right now. A friend of mine is so broken-hearted that it breaks my own heart. The kind of broken heart that there's no way anyone else could understand. The kind where she's probably slightly embarrassed, completely overwhelmed, and there's so much to do, she probably doesn't even know where to start. They kind where she probably wants to disappear for a while but is afraid to leave everything behind. I want to say that we all know that type of pain, but I honestly don't think we all possibly can.
Then there's my heartache, which could never match hers right now. It's the kind where you would put your life on hold to help her get through it, if only you knew what to do when you got there (besides provide the shoulder to cry on and copious amounts of ice cream and alcohol, but even that won't scratch the surface). When literally, nothing you say can make a difference. When you wish you could stop the pain, but you can't. And trust me, the last thing a person with a broken heart wants to hear is "I know how you're feeling." -Or- "This is just like the time [something not quite the same] happened to me." Because to that person, at that time, no one could ever understand.
And for that, there is my next revelation. Sometimes there are no words and that's okay. Sometimes there is nothing you can say. Sometimes actions really do speak louder than words. And sometimes, you just have to let that person know you are there for them and then let time take its toll and be patient.
And to my dear friend: you're allowed to hurt right now but remember that there's always that silver lining; that everything happens for a reason; and trust me, it won't hurt just takes time to get there. xoxo
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